Saturday, August 31, 2019

China Rural Poverty

After Deng Xiaoping took over the power, he imposed a lot of policies to change the economic, social and political structure. The first thing that Deng insisted to do was to improve the economic growth. But the lack of concern with the rural area brings China the decline in output and income of the peasants which widened the gap between the coastal and interior areas. In the articles â€Å"Economic growth, income inequality and poverty in China under economic reforms†, the author described the improvement under Deng's policies. In â€Å"Reducing Absolute Poverty in China†, fundamental problems in education and health care aspects which remained unsolved were introduced. During these few years, the government put a great effort in minimizing the rural poverty situation and there was a significant change in the rural area. There was no doubt that China has improved from time to time, although rural poverty is always a problem for the government, they start to have better plans to implement compare to the Mao and Deng eras. Yao's article, â€Å"Economic growth, income inequality and poverty in China under economic reforms†, analyzed the failure of the Deng's policy. Because most poor people lived in the rural areas, Deng decided to reform agriculture first before reforming the urban and industrial sectors. The household production responsibility system was introduced. This system allowed farmers to keep a certain proportion of outputs after fulfilling a production quota set by the production team1. This method would be able to provide a better incentive for the peasants to work harder since now, they could get their own reward, the proportion of the production. Also, the government could still guarantee they would get the standard amount from the peasants, therefore, it seemed to be beneficial to both sides. Grain output increased from 305 to 407 million tons between 1978 and 1984. Real per capita income more than doubled, rising by 14. 9 per cent per year2. Since the reform seemed to be very successful, they began to reform the state-owned enterprises. Mao's doctrine had put a lot of ideological barriers on the economic policies and it was time to break all those. Major reform methods were introduced to raise enterprise accountability and autonomy with a flexible wage system to link work efforts with rewards more directly for individual workers3. Although existing state-own enterprises were not privatized and they would be benefited from state budgets, non-state enterprises such as private and collective sectors got a lot of advantages as well. In order to increase the agricultural output, the government encouraged the rural peasants to work hard by giving peasants more capital, establishing better incentive systems, allowing greater freedom of crop selection, changing the structure of the administration of agriculture4. The agricultural production seemed to be ameliorated during the early 1980s. In the rural areas, non-farm enterprises, particularly the township and village enterprises (TVEs) quickly developed to become a new economic force. In 1992, TVEs employed more than a quarter of the total rural labour force and contributed about 40 per cent of per capita rural income5. There was no doubt that these policies had contribution to a great amount for improving the poverty situation, it had not solve the fundamental problems for the poverty. In the article â€Å"Reducing Absolute Poverty in China†, the authors described poverty problem stepped backward after a short improve. During the second half of 1980, a few economic policies such as the increase in prices for grain and the rapid growth of the working-age population . The population exceeded the expansion of employment opportunities, created a worsening of rural underemployment from 1989 to 1990. Since the official government did not want to put as much subsidy on the farming projects, the costs for production increased quickly while the income from production remained the same. Officials tried to attract foreign investment but it was not successful because they knew the damages which had created in the countryside during the Mao era. Besides the decline in income, the township officials were exploiting peasants. They gave the peasants IOU's instead of cash so that they would have more cash to invest in new township enterprises6. Peasants did not get the â€Å"incentive† as what the government originally imposed anymore. They wanted to revolt but they found out it was useless because most of the officials were corrupted at that time. Most of the peasants commented, â€Å"Why risk so much to remove one corrupt cadre? 7 Except bearing all the exploitation, they had no other choices to choose. Although poverty had reduced from 1985 to 1990, agricultural growth and rural development did not increase a lot during the same period, therefore, only the urban areas had improved during the reform. While a lot of peasants wanted to get a chance to go to the South, most of the poor peasants were remained in the poor countryside. The author also explained the major causes of rural poverty the government did not solve. Although the overall status seemed to be improved, the government neglect about some basic aspects in the society which would affect the peasant's directly. The educational and health status of Chinese were still far way below the standard. Due to corruption the central government provided financial transfers to the poor areas of China but resources were not adequate to meet all primary education. The lack of financing, school facilities are often insufficient and ill equipped. Also, due to limited access, the teacher training programs did not work out efficiently. Although current training courses focus on content and pedagogical techniques appropriate for large urban schools, but few programs offer teachers instructional methods and skills needed for small and sometimes ethnically mixed rural schools8. At least half of the boys in the poorest villages, especially in some minority areas, and nearly all of the girls did not have a chance to receive education and achieve literacy9. The infant mortality rate in some very poor counties exceeded 10 percent which was greater than the national level by one fold. Diseases such as tuberculosis and iodine deficiency disorders concentrated in poor areas. Half of the children were malnutrition because they did not even have enough food to eat. In the health aspect, although China has reached a national health status comparable to many middle-income countries, people in the rural areas never had sufficient access to basic health service. During the 1980s, the government budgetary funding declined from 30 percent of total health expenditures to 19 percent. Although the number of health institution and doctors increased each year since 1980 in a national level, the statistics did not apply to the rural villages. The government support for rural doctors decreased by 45 percents in the same time period10. Due to the poor education and health systems, rural peasants were suffering from the poverty with no chance to make themselves better off. Since the government noticed the serious problem which remained in the countryside, they started to impose some poverty reduction program in late 1980s and early 1990s. The Agricultural Development Bank of China offered subsidized loans for poor-area development through provincial bank branches and county- and lower-level banks. The regional office of the State Planning Commission administers a food-for-work program assisted in building roads and other transportation systems, drinking water systems, irrigation works and other capital construction in poor areas. In addition, each of 27 central ministries and agencies has its own special poor-area project and every province has its own specially funded programs11. In 1986, the government found 331 poor counties which were eligible for development assistance. The program provided aid in providing labour for road construction and drinking water facilities. Living standard increased because of that. These programs contributed to the construction of 131,000 km. of roads, 7,900 bridges and 2,400 km. of inland river channels. Water supply conditions for 20 million people and 13 million animals were improved12. They also selected some provinces to get the provincial funding based on their situations. The poverty reduction strategy was announced in the eighth Five-Year Plan during 1991-1995. Once again, they put emphasis on supporting the poor-area agriculture and rural enterprise through subsidized loans. The government's poverty reduction strategy was further defined during the National Seven-Year Plan in 1994 to 2000. They had a few plans such the concentration of available funding in the poorest counties and the improvement in access of the poor to employment opportunities outside the poor areas, greater investment in the development of human capital, funding for health, education and relief services in the poorest areas and the continuing investment in poor-area agricultural, rural enterprise, road and other rural infrastructure development projects13. The Central Committee and the State Council issued a blueprint for solving the problem of inadequate food and clothing for China's rural poor in 1997. The government will allocate an additional $180 million to help build the agricultural and facilities and apply scientific and technological advances in rural areas. The better tools and equipment they have, the faster they can build up the economic system. $350 million will increase government loans for the poor annually. The priority of the use of funding is the irrigation, infrastructure and transport projects. The government would guarantee that households short of food and clothing would be exempt from state-fixed quotas on grain purchasing and some agricultural taxes. Industrial enterprises built in poor areas will be exempted from income tax for the first three years. Economically developed coastal regions and municipalities will be encouraged to establish ties with inland areas and assist with funds, technology transfer, information and technical personnel. The central government will offer training courses for officials and managerial personnel in poor areas. The government tries to use these methods and regulations to improve the rural development so that it can catch up with the urban areas as soon as possible. Since the Chinese government wanted to be competitive among the whole world, they now had the motivation to improve the poverty situation. According to China's State Statistical Bureau, 250 million people, 31 percent of the rural population, were living in poverty in 1978, all of them in the countryside. By 1985 this number was cut in half to 125 million14. At that point, the Chinese government started the first major rural development program assisting the rural poor. However, with implementation of a coastal development and financial decentralization, policies that would accelerate economic growth nationally but exacerbate the plight of significant sections of the rural poor and slow poverty reduction. The government started to concern about the rural poverty issue in 1990s, they applied a lot of financial aid programs and relief programs to deal with the problem. Premier Zhu Rongji delivered a speech in the Central Poverty Relief and Development Working Conference in May 2001. He concluded that China's rural poverty situation is improving during the last twenty years. Although there is still a long way to go in order to minimize the gap between the coastal and rural area, and to defeat the rural poverty, the government have the confidence that they will be able to improve themselves so that they will be able to compete with the foreign in all aspects.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Ideological Framework

The Ideological Framework Economic prosperity spawned discontent when the native beneficiaries saw a new world of affluence opening for themselves and their class. They attained a new consciousness and hence, a new goal – that of equality with the peninsulares – not in the abstract, but in practical economic and political terms. Hispanization became the conscious manifestation of economic struggle, of the desire to realize the potentialities offered by the period of expansion and progress. Hispanization and assimilation constituted the ideological expression of the economic motivations of affluent indios and mestizos. Equality with the Spaniard meant equality of opportunity. But they did not realize as yet that real equality must be based on national freedom and independence. The were still in the initial phases of nationalist consciousness – a consciousness made possible by the market situation of the time. The lordly friar who had been partly responsible for the isolation of the islands became the target of attacks. Anti-clericalism became the ideological style of the period. [p. 134] These then were the salient economic and ideological features of Rizal's time. A true historical review would prove that great men are those who read the time and have a deeper understanding of reality. It is their insights that make them conversant with their periods and which enable them to articulate the needs of the people. To a large extent, Rizal, the ilustrado, fulfilled this function, for in voicing the goals of his class he had to include the aspirations of the entire people. Though the aims of this class were limited to reformist measures, he expressed its demands in terms of human liberty and human dignity and thus encompassed the wider aspirations of all the people. This is not to say that he was conscious that these were class goals; rather, that typical of his class, he equated class interest with people's welfare. He did this in good faith, unaware of any basic contradictions between the two. He was the product of his society and as such could be expected to voice only those aims that were within the competence of his class. Moreover, social contradictions had not ripened sufficiently in his time to reveal clearly the essential disparateness between class and national goals. Neither could he have transcended his class limitations, for his cultural upbringing was such that affection for Spain and Spanish civilization precluded the idea of breaking the chains of colonialism. He had to become a Spaniard first before becoming a Filipino. [8] As a social commentator, as the exposer of oppression, he performed a remarkable task. His writings were part of the tradition of protest which blossomed into revolution, into a separatist movement. His original aim of elevating the indio to the level of Hispanization of the peninsular so that the country could be assimilated, could become a province of Spain, was transformed into its opposite. Instead of making the Filipinos closer to Spain, the propaganda gave root to separation. The drive for Hispanization was transformed into the development of a distinct national consciousness. Rizal contributed much to the growth of this national consciousness. It was a contribution not only in terms of propaganda but in something positive that the present generation of Filipinos will owe to him and for which they will honor him by completing the task which he so nobly began. He may have had a different and limited goal at the time, a goal that for us is already passe, something we take for granted. However, for [p. 135] his time this limited goal was already a big step in the right direction. This contribution was in the realm of Filipino nationhood – the winning of our name as a race, the recognition of our people as one, and the elevation of the indio into Filipino.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Aberfan Mining disaster – 1966

At 9.15 on Friday 21 October 1966, Aberfan in Merthyr Tydfil, South Wales, was the centre of the world's media. A waste tip from the mine slid down the mountainside destroying a farm cottage killing all of the occupants. At Pant Glas School, the children were returning to their classrooms from morning assembly when a few of the children heard a rumbling sound coming from the valleys then they noticed an avalanche of mud hurtling towards them from the hills, and before anybody could get out, the school was underground. The school along with 20 other houses in the village were engulfed. There was total silence, so silent that you could hear a pin drop. The disaster was so horrific that everyone wanted to do something. Hundreds of people threw their shovel into their car and drove to Aberfan to help with the rescue operation. The trained and untrained rescuers worked hard to remove the debris. The first live victim of the disaster was rescued at 11am on that day. Almost a week later, all of the bodies had been discovered. Gaynor Minett, an eight year-old survivor in the school described the landslide as â€Å"a tremendous rumbling sound and all the school went dead you could hear a pin drop† she said that â€Å"everybody just froze in their seats†. People were so sad about the disaster that they wrote poems etc about the disaster. Reverend Dr Emlyn Davies who witnessed the disaster wrote a poem entitled ‘Aberfan'. The beginning of the poem gives the image of a little â€Å"unknown village in the vale† where the children â€Å"played and sang†. This image changes drastically as the poem progresses. The poem sort of tells a story of how this village, from being peaceful, changed to being a centre of the world and a very well known village. The descriptions are very in depth and this adds to the overall effect of the poem on me. To me, the poem has enlightened the effect of mankind on nature, this epidemic wouldn't have happened if the slag heaps weren't made. I would have never known this â€Å"secluded village†. The poem its self is well structured because each stanza is like a paragraph and contains information from each aspect of the disaster and is structured similar to a story. The use of metaphors is very effective in our understanding, â€Å"the mine became a tomb†. The adjectives used â€Å"Weight immeasurable, Force irresistible, Crushing all before† are very descriptive of the force of the landslide. The overall mood of the poem is very miserable but powerful in making us understand the consequences of human disrespect to countryside. Rev. Emlyn Davies wrote this poem to show people what really happened, he was there, he was the reverend of the church. Mike Jenkins wrote two poems about the disaster at a much later date. He was influence to writing one of them ‘He loved light freedom and animals' when he visited Aberfan. He was walking through a graveyard and he noticed one of the headstones and it read ‘He loved light, freedom and animals' he was touched by the inscription and wrote a poem with the caption as the heading. The victim was very young when his life was taken. This poem is more descriptive than a story. The first verse resembles an overview of this child who seemed to be happy, â€Å"waving an answer like a greeting†. The second stanza is similar to the first. Mike Jenkins uses a literal fact â€Å"Buried alive† and imagines the little boy to be â€Å"skimming stones down the path of the sun† on the river, which would be stereotypical of a child of that time. The use of metaphors and similes make the poem more interesting and free flowing. There is a contrast of images from the first two stanzas through to the rest; the first two are nice images of the little boy playing besides the river, but then the representation goes darker and describes this â€Å"tumour on the hillside† bursting â€Å"black blood† it sound really violent and aggressive. The poets thoughts and feelings come into play now, he â€Å"gulp[s] back tears because of the notion of manliness† I think he placed this in his poem because he is in the graveyard, trying to paint a picture of what happened and he comes back to reality and realises that the person buried beneath him is this little boy that he is imagining. As the poem unfolds, the descriptions get more vague. He seems to be highlighting the main features of his imagination. The gravestone that he found hugely inspired Mike Jenkins. I think that his purpose was not to persuade people to accept his views but just to let them envisage what he felt. The second Mike Jenkins poem is called ‘Among the Debris'. It is written in a completely different style to ‘He loved light freedom and animals'. He uses a local dialect, however, it is hard to understand but it adds a good effect. The first stanza tells us about a teacher who used to tell stories to the children â€Å"about is time in the navy, playin cards underwater† The second verse reveals that the teacher wasn't in control of his emotions. It seems to me that he had been through an experience that had mentally scarred him, because â€Å"ee'd go mental, throw a wobbly†. The metaphors that Mike Jenkins uses in this poem are very effective, â€Å"is screams pick-axin into ower yer-drums† all of the references to the teacher's actions are very detailed. After the teacher had thrown a â€Å"wobbly†, he â€Å"passed a bagful o' sorries round† I feel sorry for the teacher at this point because it seems that he cannot control his actions. The last stanza is described in-depth. It is at the part when the landslide is coming down the hill it was â€Å"a slow, unnatural thunder†. When the slide had ended, the teacher â€Å"wuz searchin fer them lost children, buryin is ands in slurry† the last two lines are the best in the poem, â€Å"till ee found us, sitting among the debris† this means that the teacher had ‘snapped out' of his â€Å"wobbly† and had came back to reality to the class that he was teaching. The images in this poem are quite disturbing but are effective in describing how some people were affected by the disaster. For Mike Jenkins to write this poem, he must have been hugely saddened by the gravestone that he saw to urge him to write ‘He loved light, freedom and animals' and this poem, ‘Among the debris'. If Mike Jenkins and Reverend Dr. Emlyn Davies were affected so much to write these poems, I wonder how many other people saw the destruction of the landslide and were upset for all of those children in the â€Å"unknown village in the vale† that lost their lives.

Evolution of lactase gene in homo sapiens Term Paper

Evolution of lactase gene in homo sapiens - Term Paper Example Genetics and molecular studies of genes presently and in the past are pointing towards an evolutionary cause behind its persistence in adults. In order to prove that something is a product of evolution, one must demonstrate that a favourable trait mutated. Additionally, one must show that the trait was transmittable to offspring and the environment favoured that trait. This may necessitate genital analysis of pre-historical data as well as present ones. Furthermore, these patterns ought to be analysed in relation to the behavioural or cultural patterns of the subjects as it could affect the adoption of the trait. The paper will look into these dimensions in order to illustrate the evolution of the lactase gene. Advantages and disadvantages in a population Lactase-phlorizin hydrolase (LPH) is the enzyme responsible for the digestion of lactose in Homo sapiens. Lactase activity in the intestines depends on the maturity of the person under consideration. Infants between two to eleven mo nths old have some of the highest activity levels. As a child reaches the age of five, lactase activity reduces, and this may continue in subsequent times. Therefore, the amount of the LPH enzyme will reduce because a person stops suckling or consuming lactose. Conversely, some adult populations continue to maintain high level of lactase activity, especially those with North European descent. This persistence of activity is an evolutionary development that coincides with the development of the dairy industry in most parts of the world (Grand et. al. 618). It is thus advantageous to ingest lactose in adulthood because this will not limit the person’s dietary intake. They will have the freedom to consume milk without dealing with health challenges. Prior to the domestication of animals, adult populations did not need the lactase enzyme. Therefore non persistence was the available state. However, this dramatically changed when animals started providing milk to the human populati on. It became genetically advantageous to retain the lactase enzyme in adulthood. Since only persons with this enzyme can enjoy the nutritional benefits of milk, then lactase persistence is beneficial. Culture dictated gene adaptability and advanced evolution (Hollox 267). Milk is nutritionally beneficial to the human body because it a rich source of calcium. Therefore, consumption of the beverage would protect one from bone-related diseases such as osteoporosis (Swallow 208). Rickets is an undesirable condition that also emanates from the lack of calcium. It is a selective force that favoured the ingestion of milk. The lack of the lactase enzyme in adults leads to a number of difficulties when dealing with the digestion of milk. Once such individuals consume milk, the lactose in milk will stay undigested. No alteration in blood glucose will be detected if a test is done. Instead, the product will enter the colon and be fermented. Fermentation causes the production of gases such as hydrogen and fatty acids. This is possible through the action of bacteria in the gut. Usually, persons who are lactose intolerant will suffer from bloating or gaseousness, diarrhoea, nausea, cramps and discomfort after taking milk. The gases that are produced after fermentation can be detected through portable hydrogen analysers (Itan et. al. 8). Therefore, it is highly desirable to be lactase persistent. All the complications that emanate from fermentation would be absent. Swallow (207) highlights some potential risks of having

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Once We Were Not Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Once We Were Not - Essay Example The author suggests that fossils directs to the fact that most of successful animals shared somewhat similar biological history. But the homosapiens ability to compete and evolve has made it is single species to exist today in the world. The co – existing of different homosapiens and neanderthalensis have co –existed before but the latter has vanished from earth due to evolution.Homosapiens like Australopith form Australis, Ardipithecusramidus from Ethiopia andAustralopithecus anamensis from Kenya all have existed on earth before millions of years. The author states that these homospaiens have ape like look and were a small brained, big faced bipedal species. The remnants from different part of the world have suggested that these have co –existed and persisted before 2.2 million years. The caves in France were occupied around 11,000 years ago by homosapiens called Cro magons. They were having lineage resemblance to the homosapiens of Africa. The author claims that Neanderthalensis in Europe were also homosapiens who existed in Europe some 30,000 years ago. They were also homoerectus in Java. The author suggests that â€Å"Black Skull† found in Northern Kenya direst that homosapiens existed on earth around 2.5 million years ago. The author points out that many types of Australopith existed millions of years ago. However the longevity of these species was only a few hundred or thousand years. But African continent was home to many types of homosapiens according to author. As per ( Tattersall 1-7)â€Å"Nevertheless, even if average species longevity was only a few hundred thousand years, it is clear that from the very beginning the continent of Africa was at least periodically—and most likely continually—host to multiple kinds of hominids† The author claims that the earlyhomosapiens had a different form rather than newer ones. They shared same landscape and same continent. These hominoids have also reached China

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Choose any title from below Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Choose any title from below - Essay Example Since 2001 heightened national security concerns followed by the current economic woes have led to immigration becoming an important area of concern in the United Kingdom (GMF, 2008). Net immigration into the United Kingdom has been increasing with time leading to an increase in the migrant population. As per figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), in 2007, the net immigration into the country was 237,000, while in 2006 it was 191,000. These figures show that there was a growth of 25% in the net immigration into the United Kingdom in the last year (Boycott, 2008). This large influx of immigrants has raised concern over their possible economic contribution to the nation, security issues and the capability of the public services to cope with the unexpected rise in population of the country (Select Committee on Economic Affairs, 2008) Immigrants into the United Kingdom tend to group together and not meld within the local communities. The large influx of immigrants is posing a threat to the peace and stability of the local communities. For example in Peterborough, Burnley and Barking and Dagenham, which are three areas of high immigrant populations there is the lowest cohesion in the community, when compared top other areas. This has heightened public anxiety on the rapid increase in rate of immigration (BBC NEWS, 2008). In addition to this factor, there is the issue of increasing influx of illegal immigrants into the United Kingdom from countries like India. After entering the country, they are prepared to work for low wages causing problems to the local workers (Bannerji, 2008). Finally the largesse of the United Kingdom in granting asylum to individuals facing persecution in their native lands has been misused to increase the number of migrants into the country. The political perspective of this is reflected by the claims of the Immigration Minister Phil Woolas that â€Å"most asylum seekers were not fleeing

Monday, August 26, 2019

Global Climate Change in Australia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Global Climate Change in Australia - Essay Example The author of the paper "Global Climate Change in Australia" considers that climate change has obvious and glaring effects on Australia today. They are supported by empirical evidence and scientific studies. The ecological, economic and social impacts of these effects are the most threatening and that they perhaps outweigh the rationale for the current policy’s indifference to the global climate change accord. The Australian government through its climate change policy may be only exercising its right to support the country’s economic competitiveness and thereafter the general welfare of its people. However, in the long-run, failing to address climate change would have a more devastating effect on the Australian economy in comparison with the sacrifices it has to make in joining the current climate change accords. The issue about climate change involves the prioritizing the eradication of the global practices that are harmful to the environment. This entails a great dea l of sacrifice from each country and requires cooperation and compromise. It is, for example, imperative for any country, such as Australia to help forge a global policymaking environment that promotes the ratification as well as the implementation of multilateral accords about climate change. No single nation could address the problem alone. Not only because today is the so-called age of interdependence. Rather, in global climate change every nation has each own culpability and so each must shoulder the burden in addressing the problem.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Site Distance Equation for Crest Vertical Curves Research Paper

Site Distance Equation for Crest Vertical Curves - Research Paper Example The elevation of various points of the curve gives the relative difference in the level at different points on the curve. Also shown in the figure are length of the curve, start of the curve and also the end of the curve. To provide easy movement of vehicles and also to smooth out the vertical profile the vertical curves are introduced at the intersection of the grades. Usually two type of vertical curves are used in the geometric design of roads. They are crest curves or summit curves and sag curves or valley curves. The crest curves have the convexity upwards and when a fast moving vehicle travels along the curve, upward action of the centrifugal force against the gravity and would relieve a part of the pressure on the tyres. This phenomenon would eliminate the discomfort experienced by the passengers wouldn't feel the discomfort while passing over these curves (Garber and Hoel, 2001). The process of aligning the vertical curves along the road is influenced by various factors like the vehicle speed, acceleration, stopping sight distance and comfort in travel (Wright and Dixon, 2004). The design of the summit curve is governed only by sight distance considerations. Though the circular crest curve is an ideal choice as the sight distance available throughout the length of a circular curve is constant most of the designs prefer parabolic curve. This is because the deviation angles in the vertical curves of highways are very small and between the same tangent points a simple parabola is congruent with a circular arc. In addition, easiness in computation of the ordinates besides the better rising comfort given by crest curves gives preference to parabolic curves (DRMB, 1993). When the parabolic crest curves are adopted the equation is given as y=ax2 , where a = N /2L. The N in the equation is the deviation angle and L is the length of the curve. Since the crest curves are long and flat , the length of the curve L is taken as equal to the horizontal projection. During the process of the design of the parabolic crest curves it is necessary to consider the stopping sigh t distance and overtaking sight distance separately. As indicated earlier, it is essential to provide sight distances atleast equal to the stopping distances at all points on the highways to avoid the accidents due to inadequate sight distance (Garber and Hoel, 2001). Figure 2 : The length of the crest curve is greater than the stopping side distance Length of the summit curves for stopping side distance. The two situations that need to be considered in the determination of length of the curve for stopping side distance (SSD) are (i) When the length of the curve is greater than the side distance (L > SSD) and (ii) When length of the curve is less than the side distance (L For L > SSD (Figure 2), the length of the vertical crest curve is given as ------------------ (1) Where, L is the length of the vertical crest curve in metre, S is the stopping side distance in metre, N is the deviation angle which is equal to algebraic difference in grades, radians or tangent of the deviation angle, H is the height of the eye level of the driver above the road surface in metre, h is the height of the object above the pavement surface in metre. The value of H

Saturday, August 24, 2019

PHP Libraries and Frameworks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

PHP Libraries and Frameworks - Essay Example Frameworks are significant innovation in modern website design. Recently, great steps have been made towards using frameworks as the basis for development. Typically, the code frameworks are a collection already created functions and classes. There exists numerous development languages and practically every language has a framework of sorts. This has extended to front-end scripting languages such as CSS and Javascript. The server-side scripting languages have realised more advanced development in terms of framework. For instance, PHP has several frameworks; Codeigniter, Zend Framework etc. Traditionally, the software management process has been focussed on basic code writing and development of modules. This takes place in two steps; developing software to completion and checking for functionality in the end product. The shortcoming of is that the approach is the same and normal pitfalls are still realised (Beck 1999). It is important to consider the uniqueness, of each piece of softw are and the development process it follows. Frameworks help, designing software as artefacts and means to serve the user needs adequately. However, the process – individuals, tools, methodology- followed are the same. This aspect of software development shows that the process is likely to be repeated. There are advantages that come with use of frameworks such as quality control and following a mature development process.

Friday, August 23, 2019

See attachment Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

See attachment - Coursework Example The concept of the noble savage was established in the 1830s to explain a person who is not corrupted by civilization. During the 17th century, this term was used to show the deception involved in civilization. It holds a long-term concept of the inherent goodness of uncorrupted man. Bacon’s rebellion was a short lived rebellion headed by Nathaniel Bacon in colonial Virginia because of high taxes, lack of voting rights, and low prices for tobacco. Bacon formed an army on this quest and became a hero after which he was elected. A peace treaty was signed as a result. Frederick Douglass was born a slave but escaped at the age of 20 to become a reformer and a writer. He is known for his efforts against slavery and was influential in the abolition of slavery. He was the first African American to be nominated for American vice presidency. Manifest destiny was a belief, during the 19th century, that Americans had a destiny of expanding worldwide. This began the issue of western settlement, war with the Mexicans and removal of Native Americans. Settlements led to effects felt even today. Cherokee nation is a nation of three federally recognized tribes in the U.S. These tribes blocked Georgia from attempting to increase its territory into theirs. The move was blocked through legislative action during the 1830s. This nation has a government that is elected democratically and headed by Principal Chief. The Nat Turner Rebellion was led by a slave by the name of Nat Turner. Turner led a group of followers into a rebellion in 1831. During the rebellion, at least 60 white men, women, and children were killed. Later on, he was arrested and was executed along with 16 of his followers and the incident remained in the minds of Americans ever since. The U.S Congress passed this law in 1850. It was part of the 1850 compromise. The law required escaped

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Disc Assessment Essay Example for Free

Disc Assessment Essay DISC Assessment Paper Organizational behavior studies have become more significant in today’s present years than hey were before in past years, this is due to companies realizing that in order to acclimatize to the constantly changing business cultures that have stemmed from a competitive and rapidly moving market, they must put more emphasis on the correlation between human behavior and the organization. Understanding this concept has led many several companies to put investment into behavior assessments and seminars and use them as a training tool to educate their employees and learn the reasons for each person’s behavior and attitudes and how to handle and approach these various types of behaviors and attitudes. In this paper we will be discussing the study of various behaviors via taking the DISC platinum Rule Behavioral Style Assessment to identify both me and my learning team member’s predominant behavior styles. We will then analyze our behavior styles, our strengths and weaknesses identified within our styles and whether or not we agree or disagree with the assessment. The DISC Assessment categorized both of our behavioral types as being the interactive style and our sub styles were lc. The Interactive Style also called I Style is friendly, enthusiastic, a â€Å"party animal† that love to be where all the action is. They thrive on the acknowledgment, admiration and compliments that follow being in the spot light. They are more relationship-oriented than they are task-oriented. An Interactive style’s strengths are charm, persuasiveness, warmth and enthusiasm. They are gifted in skills and communication between individuals as well as groups. They are optimists with a large amount of charisma. They are also dreamers and idea-people who excel in getting others excited about their vision. All of these qualities assist them in influencing people and building alliances. The interactive style’s weaknesses are pinpointed as poor follow-through, carelessness, exaggeration and disorganization. They have a habit of getting to involved in too many activities and lose interest quickly. Furthermore, they can at times be seen as being impetuous, manipulative, and excitable when displaying behavior that is inappropriate to a situation. When analyzing the results of the DISC Assessment and the summary of my behavior. We were able to comprehend why we function and act the way that we do while interacting with our co workers, family and people. We both started to think about our adolescent years until now and realized that everyone wanted to be our friends and we were also chosen to be the leader most of the time. I would sometimes avoid being the leader and Gina would always be the leader but we were also both content with just being apart of the activities and tasks needing to be accomplished but our ability to drive others and complete task with enthusiasm would always show because of this we were thereby always moved to the front of the crowd. We also noticed that this same thing applies when were in the workplace; we were both again selected to be a leader after just a short time of displaying our abilities to charm and motivate. Gina noticed that she is always the person to excite employees and get them to produce at a faster pace when completing departmental tasks and goals. Gina saw that her managers are always pleased with her people skills and that they often use her as an example to her peers when adjusting or presenting new changes to the department. I identified that I was good at innovation at work and creating new ideas. Gina and I both welcome and look forward to change because it keeps and sparks our interest. We both despise boredom. DISC offered us so much information about our interactive style’s typical business characteristics such as wanting to be included by others in significant events such as research and brainstorming, resisting control and desiring freedom. In our personal lives we both also realized how our behavior style applied because we both don’t like when someone doesn’t give us their undivided attention and when were not given an opportunity to express ourselves or opinions.

Landscape and Setting in Room with a View Essay Example for Free

Landscape and Setting in Room with a View Essay Consider how important a role description of landscape and setting play in the two novels you have studied. You should make detailed reference to your core text A Room with a View and wider reference to your partner text, The Remains of the Day. Forster makes it evident that the roles of landscape and setting play a significant part throughout his novel A Room with a View. They appear to play key stages among the journeys of different characters, particularly Lucy, who represses her emotions for so long until she is finally enlightened and see’s the truth. Furthermore, how Forster uses the light and dark to reflect the whole Renaissance theme of Italy. Moreover, we see how Forster develops Lucy’s mind throughout the novel, similar to the way Stevens in The Remains of the Day slowly begins to let us see that he is an unreliable narrator, and the truth starts to come out. The opening chapter of A Room with a View sees Lucy in the Bertolini, her first impression is that â€Å"it might be London† and this is significant due to the closed-minds of the other guests. Malcolm Bradbury believes Forster was able â€Å"to unmask the illusions, repressions, snobberies and hypocrisies of British Social life† and in A Room with a View this is immediately introduced through Miss Bartlett who is constantly â€Å"repressing Lucy†, moreover we get the impression that she is being â€Å"narrow-minded† which is also reflected through the setting around them. The significance of the Piazza is that â€Å"the great square was in shadow†, which represents the relation with Italy and the renaissance period. Moreover Forster suggests Lucy is looking for life, â€Å"nothing ever happens to me† and the idea of the Piazza in shadows relates to the shadows create on renaissance art to give them a more life-like appearance. Furthermore this is where the murder takes place, this is significant because Lucy is feeling lost and death is easiest the way to show her she has like life. (C)   Forster uses the hillside to show how the beauty of the Italian landscape allows Lucy to see the truth, even just momentarily, and let her feelings for George take over. Malcolm Bradbury includes that â€Å"Italy and the Mediterranean had imprinted themselves on Forster as they did for so many generations of Britons and other north European of literary and romantic disposition.† This could be very true as Forster includes that â€Å"Italians will know the way†, moreover Lucy was â€Å"enveloped† by the â€Å"light and beauty† on the hillside were she romantically connected with George. To add to this the image of â€Å"violets from end to end† creates the image of â€Å"water† as does the â€Å"blue waves† from the â€Å"flowers† which symbolises re-birth and the giving of life, similar to baptism. During The Remains of the Day, Stevens visits â€Å"a beautiful little spot† which is pond. It was here that Stevens suggests he is an unreliable narrator as he comes to the conclusion that on more than one occasion he has lied about his employment under Lord Darlington. Like Lucy, the â€Å"beauty† of water compels Stevens to see the truth, even though after both events, Lucy and Stevens continue to lie to themselves.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Orr-sommerfeld Stability Analysis of Two-fluid Couette Flow

Orr-sommerfeld Stability Analysis of Two-fluid Couette Flow ORR-SOMMERFELD STABILITY ANALYSIS OF TWO-FLUID COUETTE FLOW WITH SURFACTANT V.P.T.N.C.Srikanth BOJJA1* , Maria FERNANDINO1, Roar SKARTLIEN2 ABSTRACT In the present work, the surfactant induced instability of a sheared two fluid system is examined. The linear stability analysis of two-fluid couette system with an amphiphilic surfactant is carried out by developing Orr-Sommerfeld type stability equations along with surfactant transport equation and the system of ordinary differential equations are solved by Chebyshev Collocation method[1,2]. Linear stability analysis reveals that the surfactant either induces Marangoni instability or significantly reduces the rate at which small perturbations decay. Keywords:Linear stability, Orr-Sommerfeld, Marangoni mode, Amphiphilic surfactant. NOMENCLATURE A complete list of symbols used, with dimensions, is given. Greek Symbols Growth rate Surfactant concentration Mass density, [kg/m3]. Dynamic viscosity, [kg/m.s]. Height of perturbed inteface Surface tension Wave number ,Stream functions Latin Symbols Capillary number Marangoni number Number of Collocation pints Reynolds number Plate/Wall velocity Complex wave spped Width of fluid layer Amplitude of Pressure disturbance Amplitude of surfactant concentration disturbance Amplitude of interface perturbation Viscosity ratio Depth ratio Shear of basic velocity Velocity, [m/s]. Sub/superscripts Index i. Index j. Perturbed quantities Base state quantities INTRODUCTION Two layer channel flows and flows with and without surfactants have been given considerable importance because of its numerous industrial applications. Oil recovery[3], lubricated pipelining[4], liquid coating processes[5] are typical industrial situations where Two layer channel flows are often seen. Surfactants also have wide range of industrial applications for example in enhanced oil recovery[6]. Using Perturbation analysis, the primary instability of the two-layer plane Couette–Poiseuille flow was studied by Yih[7] and his studies revealed that even at small Reynolds numbers, the interface is susceptible to long-wave instability associated with viscosity stratification. Yiantsios Higgins[8] later extended this study for small to large values of wavenumber and confirmed the existence of the shear mode instability. Boomkamp Miesen[9] came up with the method of an energy budget for studying instabilities in parallel two-layer flows, where energy is supplied from the primary flow to the perturbed flow and instability appears at sufficiently long wave numbers through the increase of kinetic energy of an infinitesimal disturbance with time. In the presence of surfactant at the sheared interface, Frenkel Halpern[10,11] discovered that even in the stokes flow limit, the interface is unstable as the surfactant induces Marangoni instability, which was later confirmed by Blyt h Pozrikidis[12]. In the case of Stokes flow, they identified two normal modes, the Yih mode due to viscosity stratification inducing a jump in the interfacial shear, and the Marangoni mode associated with the presence of the surfactant. In contrast, at finite Reynolds numbers, infinite number of normal modes are possible and by parameter continuation with respect to the Reynolds number the most dangerous Yih and Marangoni modes can be identified. In this article, the effect of an insoluble surfactant on the stability of two-layer couette channel flow is studied in detail for low to moderate values of the Reynolds number. To isolate the Marangoni effect, gravity was suppressed in this problem and this was done by considering equal density fluids. Linear stability analysis was carried out by formulating Orr–Sommerfeld boundary value problem, which was solved numerically using Chebyshev collocation method[1][2] for all wavenumbers. Both Marangoni mode and Shear mode are detected and utmost focus is given to Marangoni mode as Shear mode is always stable at moderate to long wavenumbers under the influence of inertia. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In  § Model description, the governing equations for the system in question are laid out, Normal mode analysis of the physical system is carried out, Orr–Sommerfeld boundary value problem is formulated. General description of Chebyshev collocation method and detailed description of numerical simulation of Orr–Sommerfeld boundary value problem by Chebyshev collocation method and validation of numerical method with literature data is given in  § Numerical method. Detailed discussion of results done in  § Results. The concluding remarks and outlook for further-work in  § Conclusions. Finally acknowledgements in and  §Acknowledgemnts. Model description Consider two super-imposed immiscible liquid layers between two infinite parallel plates located at, as in Fig. 1. Let the basic flow be driven only by steady motion of plates. It is well known that the basic ‘‘Couette’’ velocity profiles are steady and vary only in the span-wise direction and in the basic state, the unperturbed interface between the liquids is flat and is located at. The gravity is suppressed in this problem by considering equal densities in order to investigate the effects of surfactant and inertia on the stability of the system under consideration. The subscripts 1 and 2 refer to the lower or upper fluid, respectively and channel walls move in the horizontal direction, x, with velocities and. The interface is occupied by an insoluble surfactant with surface concentration which is only convected and diffused over the interface, but not into the bulk of the fluids thus locally changing the surface tension . Governing equations The mass and momentum conservation equations governing the two-layer system are , (1) Where subscript represents lower and upper liquid layers respectively. Here , Figure 1: Schematic sketch of Couette-Poiseuille flow with surfactant laden interface. The perturbed interface is shown as sinusoidal curve. is the concentration of insoluble surfactant. The associated boundary conditions for the system are no slip and no penetration boundary conditions at the walls. ,at and ,at The associated interface conditions are continuity of velocity, tangential stress and normal stress. Continuity of velocity at the interface , at The tangential and normal stress conditions at the interface are given by (2) Where are stress tensors, is unit normal, is unit tangent and Kinematic interfacial condition is The surfactant transport equation[13] at the interface is given by (3) Where is surface molecular diffusivity of surfactant. is usually negligible and neglected in this case. We introduce dimension less variables as follows , , , , The dimensionless variables in base state for the couette flow with flat interface and uniform surfactant concentration are given by , ( ) and , () Where is shear of basic velocity at interface and is given by We consider the perturbed state with small deviation from the base state: ,,,, Now we represent disturbance velocity in disturbance stream-functions and such that ,,, Performing normal mode analysis by substituting Where is wave number of the disturbance, and are constants, and is the complex wave speed. Linearizing the kinematic boundary condition yields . Linerarizing the dimensionless x and y-components of Navier-Stokes equation (2) followed by subtraction from the corresponding base state equations and elimination of pressure terms, yields two 4th order Orr-Sommerfield ODEs in stream-functions, one for each fluid. (4a) (4b) Where is the Reynolds number and . (when,) Boundary conditions at wall in terms of stream-functions are (5a) (5b) Continuity of velocity at interface gives , (5c) Linearization of normal stress condition gives (5d) Linearization of surfactant transport equation gives Linearization of tangential stress balance condition gives Where is the Marangoni number. By substituting the value of from linearized surfactant transport equation in linearized tangential stress balance condition gives (5e) For each value of Eqs. (4),(5) forms a eigen value problem, which was numerically solved using chebyshev collocation method[1,2] and QZ algorithm for determining the complex phase velocity . Numerical method The two Orr-Sommerfield equations eqs. (4) along with eight boundary conditions eqs. (5) are solved numerically using Pseudo-spectral Chebyshev collocation method[1,2]. To implement the Chebyshev method, we transformed each of the two fluid domains into standard Chebyshev domain that is Fluid 1 domain is mapped to and Fluid 2 domain is mapped to by substituting and respectively. Next, we represent each stream function as truncated summation of orthogonal Chebyshev polynomials by setting. and(6) Where and are unknown Chebyshev coefficients and N is the number of Cheyshev collation points in each domain. Upon substituting eq. (6) in eq. (4) and projecting them on to arbitrary orthogonal functions and respectively by taking the Chebyshev inner product, . these two Chebyshev inner products forms N-3 equations each summing up to 2N-6 equations and N+1 coefficients in and N+1 coefficients . 2N-6 equations along with 8 boundary conditions obtained by substituting eq. (6) in eq. (5) and 2N+2 coefficients forms a linear system Where, and,are square matrices of size 2N+2. This generalized eigen value problem was solved by QZ algorithm to obtain and subsequently growth rate, .We used, above which the eigen values are independent of number of collocation points. The accuracy of the Numerical method is checked by comparing current results with published literature[10] for the Two layer couette flow with an insoluble surfactant in stokes flow limit. To make this comparison, growth rates are calculated by muting the inertial terms by settingin the our code and with same parameters as in Halpern’s[10] Fig 2a and Fig 2b, where growth rates are predicted by long-wave evolution equation. Fig xxx shows excellent agreement between two numerical procedures. Figure 2: Dispersion curves for the most (a)Unstable Figure 3: Dispersion curve for the (solid line), (dashed line), at, ,, RESULTS and discussions Blyth and Pozrikidis[14] observed that in the Stoke’s flow limit, there exists two modes that govern the stability of a two-layer couette flow system with surfactant: the Marangoni mode and the Yih mode associated with surfactant and the clean liquid-liquid interface respectively. But on the other hand, in flows with inertia, there exists more than two normal modes. From Fig. 3, the broken line corresponding to is above the solid line, which corresponds to , it is evident that the surfactant in the presence of inertia has significantly reduced the rate at which small perturbations decay. Earlier stability analysis for stoke flow in presence of surfactant opens up a range of unstable wave numbers extending from zero up to the critical wavenumber .The neutral stability curve Fig. 4 for values (,, and ) is in accordance with the earlier stokes flow stability analysis and in addition at , a second small window of stable wave numbers appears to form an island of stable modes, wit h the island tip located at . In Fig. 5 we plot the growth rate of the Marangoni mode against the Reynolds number, up to and beyond, for , corresponding to the stable island tip. At, linear stability for Stokes flow predicts the growth rate, for the Marangoni mode. The present results confirms that the Marangoni mode at marks the inauguration of the lower stable loop. In Fig. 6 for a fixed Reynolds number , we show the dependence of the growth rates of the Marangoni mode on the wave number. The close-up near , presented in Fig. 6(b), shows that the Marangoni mode has negative growth rate for small band of wave numbers ranging from and has positive growth rate thereafter up-to , beyond which the Marangoni mode is stable again. These results clearly demonstrate the crucial role of the surfactant, which either provokes instability or significantly lowers the rate of decay of infinitesimal perturbations. Figure 4: Neutral stability curves for ,, and Figure 5: Growth rate vs. Reynolds number for the Marangoni mode for, , , , , Figure 6: Dispersion curve for the Marangoni mode (solid line) for,, , ,, (b) Zoom-in of (a) around Figure 7: Neutral stability curves for , , and (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Further, we investigated the effect of Marangoni number on the stability of the system under consideration via Fig 7(a) and this shows that in the devoid of surfactant that is at there is very small band of wavenumbers where the system is unstable for any Reynolds number. Moreover around the band of unstable wavenumbers is slightly larger than at any arbitrary Re. In presence of surfactant, Fig. 7(b)-7(e) a second small window of stable wave numbers appears to form

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Stock Essay -- Economy

An active investor invests his all resources to determine the fair value of a stock. However, most of the times, he is unable to acquire a piece of information that is not available in the public domain and that information may alter the probability distribution of his investment decision (James Lorie, 1980). In this phenomenon, an active investor may infer the non-public information by considering corporate insiders’ action in their own stock. Many previous studies (e.g., Jaffe, 1974; Finnerty, 1976a, b; Seyhun, 1986, 1988a, b; Rozeff and Zaman, 1988; Lin and Howe, 1990) document that corporate insiders pursue special information and on that special information, not only insiders are able to earn abnormal profits through trading stocks of own firms but also outsiders also able to earn abnormally by merely mimicking their actions. In financial economies literature, these findings have been considered as a violation of market efficiency. The main objective of this study is to determine market reactions around the day of insider trading and the day of announcements on Indian stock market. We are curious to perform our analysis on Indian data because a major chunk of studies on insider trading are concentrated on the U.S data. Therefore, the analysis of India insider trading data provides an independent outcome to compare with previous studies’ results. Besides, there are enough differences between the US and India market, which indicate that the results of these studies may not be robust in Asia or emerging markets. First difference, the ownership structure of emerging markets’ firms is more concentrated than developed markets’ firms (La Porta et al, 1999). For example, La Porta et al (1998) find that in the Indian firm, the top th... ... to price ratio and size effects of approximately 9% per annum in market model error term. Moreover, Finnerty (1976) finds that insiders most likely to buy their own stock when a firm is a small size and having low BM ratio compared to other firms whose stocks the average insiders are selling. If insiders’ buy tend to be concentrated in small size and low BM firms, the abnormal returns of insider trading information that are calculated by the market model may be significantly differ from zero in the absence of special information. In this paper, we calculate adjusted abnormal returns of insider trading that take into account the size and BM ratio effects. In this methodology, we argue that when we match the firm of insider trading with similar size and BM ratio portfolio, and then adjusted abnormal returns will be originated because of the special information.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Franz Haydn Essay -- Music Composer Haydn Biographies Essays

Franz Joseph Haydn Joseph Haydn is regarded as one of the greatest composers of the classical period. He is often called the father of both the symphony and the string quartet, and he founded what is known as the Viennese classical school, which consisted of himself, his friend, Wolfgang Mozart, and his pupil, Ludwig van Beethoven. During his lifetime, he produced a mind-boggling amount of music. He lived from the end of the baroque period to the beginning of the romantic period, and presided over the transition between them. Franz Joseph Haydn was born in Rohrau, Austria, on April 1, 1732, to Mathias and Anna Maria Koller Haydn. Joseph Haydn's parents had twelve children, but, sadly, six of them died during infancy. His surviving siblings included two brothers, Johann Evangelist and Johann Michael, and three sisters, Anna Maria Franziska, Anna Maria, and Anna Katharina. Many references give March 31 as Haydn's birthday, but official records disprove this. It is rumored that his brother, Michael, was the source of this inaccuracy. Supposedly, Michael didn't want it said that his big brother came into this world as an April Fool. At age seven, young Joseph entered the choir school at St. Steven's Cathedral in Vienna, where he was to remain for the next nine years. During his early years, he became interested in composing music, but he had no formal training until his late teens, when he worked for Italian musician and composer, Niccolà ² Porpora. He avidly studied music, including the works of C. P. E. Bach, and held several music-related jobs in Vienna during the 1750's. His earliest composition, Missa Brevis in F, comes from this period, as does Der Krumme Teufel (The Lame Devil), a burlesque opera, which Haydn composed in 1752. This opera was banned shortly after it's opening, however, because a local nobleman thought that the main character was his caricature. Then, in 1758, Haydn got his first regular musical job as musical director to Count Ferdinand Maximillian von Morzin in Lukavec, Bohemia, where he wrote his first orchestral compositions. The Morzin orchestra performed Haydn's first symphony, which he conducted from the harpsichord. On November 26, 1760, he married Maria Anna Keller. Maria Anna, who was Joseph's elder by four years, was bad tempered, disliked music, and was unable to clean the house or bear children. She enjoyed makin... ...s of his death spread, and, because of the invasion, his funeral went largely unnoticed. His remains were moved several times after his death, and his body now rests in Eisenstadt. During his lifetime, Joseph Haydn composed 107 symphonies, about 50 divertimenti, 84 string quartets, about 58 piano sonatas, and 13 masses. In all, his surviving musical works include over 750 compositions and over 330 songs. (A large number of Haydn's works were destroyed in the 1770's, so these totals would be even higher had it not been for the two fires.) He produced such an abundance of works during his long career that a man named Anthony von Hoboken compiled a directory of the master's works, the title of which translates to Joseph Haydn - Thematic-bibliographic Listing of his Works. This three-volume directory was so helpful in sorting through the massive quantity of music that most of Haydn's works are now known through their Hoboken reference number as well as their title. Undoubtedly, Franz Joseph Haydn is one of the greatest composers of all time. His music, widely acclaimed during his day, has since made him immortal. Very few can stand shoulder to shoulder with this great master.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Enterprise Level Business System :: essays research papers

Enterprise-Level Business System Assessment Several key areas should be reviewed when assessing an enterprise-level business system. It is commonly known that errors made in the early stages of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) can be quite costly. Therefore, careful planning, during the early stages of system development, is crucial. The use of information-gathering tools, during the analysis stage, is useful and recommended. Following will be a review of several of the information-gathering techniques available. The usefulness of business process mapping methods, and which mapping tools should be implemented during the analysis process, will also be discussed. In closing, a review of the methods an analyst can use to confirm an effective understanding of the project requirements will be provided. There are several information-gathering methods available. One such method is a review of the current documentation or Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) of the business. Reviewing documentation can provide current and historical information, and has minimal impact on the daily routine of the business. Negatively, the documentation review process can be time-consuming, and many processes may not be documented. Observing and documenting the activities performed by an individual or a particular system are additional methods used to retrieve information. The observation method can be quite reliable, but also may be costly and time-consuming. In addition, observing an individual may make him/her feel uncomfortable, thus impacting the way he/she performs. Another information-gathering technique is to elicit feedback about business requirements and processes from the users of the system. Feedback from actual users can be elicited via questionnaires or in-person interviews. There are bene fits and disadvantages in using each type of technique. Questionnaires are a fairly inexpensive methodology, and results can typically be turned around quickly. Survey instruments can safeguard the interviewee’s anonymity and can be completed at the user’s convenience. Unfortunately, information retrieved from questionnaires may not be very detailed since the ability to probe for additional information is limited. In addition, missing data is irretrievable. In-person interviewing may provide greater details because the analyst has the ability to probe and interact with the interviewee. The analyst also has the ability to observe any nonverbal communication the interviewee may be expressing. On the down side, interviews can be quite time-consuming, and as seen with other methods, increased time typically means increased cost. Another technique is the Joint Application Design (JAD) session. A JAD session consists of a group of key stakeholders who are teamed together to discuss their opinions and the needs of the system or business.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Business Strategy

Victorians Secret, in both its' business and e-business components use a B to C business strategy that focuses on the same market segment and economics in both channels. Strategically the company focuses on individual business processes instead of its' business model so that it can improve upon some of them with technology as this avoids a primarily internet-driven business model which could affect the sales of their retail locations.Their business processes that support their verbal selling and purchasing activities for their physical locations can be utilized by the e-commerce channel of the business as well as the retail locations which is a strategy implemented in order to reduce transaction costs by improving the flow of information within the company and its' channels. This helps to coordinate the actions for both channels which is useful in maintaining the same brand standards regardless of where the consumer is buying the product.An example of this would be the technique libr ary database the company established which Is shared among all regions/suppliers and includes company standards of design and production. Victorians Secret implements a business strategy that makes use of multiple marketing channels such as their retail stores and e-commerce channel. They utilize a 360 degree approach for the website with channel cooperation regarding their already established physical locations.Victorians Secret strategically avoids channel conflict by differentiating certain products such as best sellers and only offering them for sale from Victorians Secret, In both Its' business and e-business components use a B to C business strategy that focuses on the same market segment and economics In both the e-commerce channel of the business as well as the retail locations which Is a be the technique library database the company established which is shared among. Business Strategy Victorians Secret, in both its' business and e-business components use a B to C business strategy that focuses on the same market segment and economics in both channels. Strategically the company focuses on individual business processes instead of its' business model so that it can improve upon some of them with technology as this avoids a primarily internet-driven business model which could affect the sales of their retail locations.Their business processes that support their verbal selling and purchasing activities for their physical locations can be utilized by the e-commerce channel of the business as well as the retail locations which is a strategy implemented in order to reduce transaction costs by improving the flow of information within the company and its' channels. This helps to coordinate the actions for both channels which is useful in maintaining the same brand standards regardless of where the consumer is buying the product.An example of this would be the technique libr ary database the company established which Is shared among all regions/suppliers and includes company standards of design and production. Victorians Secret implements a business strategy that makes use of multiple marketing channels such as their retail stores and e-commerce channel. They utilize a 360 degree approach for the website with channel cooperation regarding their already established physical locations.Victorians Secret strategically avoids channel conflict by differentiating certain products such as best sellers and only offering them for sale from Victorians Secret, In both Its' business and e-business components use a B to C business strategy that focuses on the same market segment and economics In both the e-commerce channel of the business as well as the retail locations which Is a be the technique library database the company established which is shared among. Business Strategy Application Exercise (Assignment to be submitted) (180 min. ) * Construct a value chain for your department/ division/ company and contrast it over time or vis a vis a competitor, to try and explain the business performance. | | Guidelines for the assignment * Brief introduction of your firm and division. * Draw a value chain of your division/company. (as next best choice generic chain will do) Enlist all the activities under the relevant primary and support functions. Show how each activity is being pursued now, and also differently over time, by your firm. (OR if comparison is not over time but with a competitor’s value chain, show how they perform it differently) * Indicate internal links within the activities, if any. Show how the activities of the value chain are linked to company strategy and structure and how these links enhance competitive advantage. (or show the lack of these links and divergence of activities-scope for improvement in value chain. ). Explore external links (eg. lignment of activities with vendors that enhances differentiation. ) * Conclude-Reflect on overall shift in value chain over time OR difference with competitor’s value chain and how that results in difference in business performance. * The assignment submission should not exceed 5 pages| | About VMware VMware is the global leader in virtualization and cloud infrastructure, delivers customer-proven solutions that accelerate IT by reducing complexity and enabling more flexible, agile service delivery.VMware enables enterprises to adopt a cloud model that addresses their unique business challenges. VMware’s approach accelerates the transition to cloud computing while preserving existing investments and improving security and control. With more than 350,000 customers and 50,000 partners, VMware solutions help organizations of all sizes lower costs, increase business agility and ensure freedom of choice I belong to the Consulting Services Division of VMware where we carry out the consulting implementation and management of customer projectsVmware’s Value chain is broadly covered as below . The Value Chain Analysis of VMware covers two categories of activities – primary and support activities. The primary activities are most familiar, as it deals with the steps and processes necessary to take the VMware product or service from R&D to final customer sale and support. * Suppy Chain Management – covers the identification, sourcing, procurement, and supplier management of the â€Å"raw materials† that comprise the final product or service. Operations – covers the engineering, inventory management, and manufacturing of the final product or service. Note:   any technologies incorporated into the product or service are also included here. * Distribution – covers the entire channel network and partnerships that VMware drives for distributing the key platform product solutions * Marketing and Sales – covers the marketing, merchandising, promotions, advertising, sales, and channel management to get the completed product and service to the end customer. Service – covers the support and maintenance of products and services after they are delivered to the customer. The secondary activities are less familiar, but equally important in supporting product and service scalability. * R&D – covers the testing of the product as per the customer specifications, development and roll out of new product updates * Technology Development – covers the supporting technologies, both information technologies as well as other technologies, important for keeping the lights on.Technologies integrated into the product would be covered in the Operations stage. * Human Resource Management – covers the recruiting, hiring, development,and firing of personnel. * General Administration – covers the general admin tasks of the company (buildings, offices, warehouses) I belong to the Services Department function which forms the primary form of activities in the value chain in terms of delivering the value of the virtualization and cloud benefits to customers as per VMware best practices.Compared to our competitor which is Microsoft our services are allinged to be more proactive to customers in the form of Technical Account Manager program. The product profolio that we drive in the Services and consulting space are truly key in giving VMware 84% of the global market share. VMware Professional Services offer end-to-end consulting services for Datacenter, Virtualization Management, Desktop Virtualization and Cloud Services.Our service offerings are based on in-depth virtualization expertise, proven best practices, and repeatable delivery methodologies to help customers realize the full value of virtualization for IT as a service computing models faster, and with less risk. Based on best practices from working with thousands of customers and using reliable, r epeatable methodologies, our services are designed to help Assess the current environments, Plan and design solutions that meet the desired business objectives, Build and implement the desired virtualization solutions, and Manage the environment with staff augmentation and performance tuningRegardless of the level of a customer’s virtualization maturity or business need, VMware Consulting Services accelerate the business value of IT transformation to IT as a Service computing models, through virtualization, with less risk compared to our competition which is the key differentiator in our engagement with customers compared to competition. We have provided key differentiators in our Services Value chain which has resulted huge business benefits to VMware the summary of which is as below – Year-over-Year Revenue Growth of 25% to $1. 6 Billion – Operating Margin of 20. 6%; Non-GAAP Operating Margin of 32. 6% – Trailing Twelve Months Operating Cash Flows Growt h of 64% to $2. 12 Billion; Free Cash Flows Growth of 53% to $2. 07 Billion Service revenues, which include software maintenance and professional services, were $573 million for 2012, an increase of 35% from 2011. The use of value chain analysis facilitates the strategic management of VMware as an organization. The three main types of competitive strategy are cost leadership, differentiation, and focus.Cost leadership is a strategy that relies on lowest-cost production and delivery, while differentiation relies on outstanding quality or product (program/course) features. The focus strategy relies on differentiation or cost leadership for a particular product or market niche. Value chain analysis is a framework that can provide a number of benefits to the VMware management of virtualiation and cloud computing organizations. This analysis help VMware managers of to identify linkages between value activities within the organization, and to think in terms of process rather than function or department.Through analysis of the value system, managers identify potentials for strategic alliances with various actors in the industry value system. Identification of cost drivers and linkage with value chain activities help managers focus on cost reduction and on finding ways to optimize returns throughout the value chain. As well, value chain analysis helps managers understand cost management problems. Failure to see the impact of a decision on the overall value chain will result in missed opportunities for VMware.The value chain framework allows VMware to break down the chain—from basic infrastructure and support, to software development, to customer support and service—into strategically relevant activities to understand the behavior of costs and the sources of differentiation. Profit Margin is typically only one part of the larger set of activities in the value delivery system. Gaining and sustaining a competitive advantage requires that VMware understands the entire value delivery system, not just the portion of the value chain in which it participates.Suppliers and distribution channels have profit margins that must be identified if one is to understand VMware’s cost or differentiation positioning, because the customers ultimately pay for all the profit margins throughout the value chain. Broadly the value chain framework is used as powerful analysis tool for the strategic planning and to build the organizational model ensuring an effective leadership model. The value chain concept is applied also in the individual business unit and is extended to the whole supply chain and distribution networks of VMware.To form a successful product for VMware it is important to add value in each activity that the product goes through during the life cycle. The best possible value can be achieved in the product development process by adding value in each stage. For that it needs all, or a combination of, value chain activities and a proper s ynchronization among all the related activities. A proper organization is required that contains all the required functional departments to perform these activities and a proper communication approach is required to synchronize the activities of these functional units efficiently. Business Strategy Application Exercise (Assignment to be submitted) (180 min. ) * Construct a value chain for your department/ division/ company and contrast it over time or vis a vis a competitor, to try and explain the business performance. | | Guidelines for the assignment * Brief introduction of your firm and division. * Draw a value chain of your division/company. (as next best choice generic chain will do) Enlist all the activities under the relevant primary and support functions. Show how each activity is being pursued now, and also differently over time, by your firm. (OR if comparison is not over time but with a competitor’s value chain, show how they perform it differently) * Indicate internal links within the activities, if any. Show how the activities of the value chain are linked to company strategy and structure and how these links enhance competitive advantage. (or show the lack of these links and divergence of activities-scope for improvement in value chain. ). Explore external links (eg. lignment of activities with vendors that enhances differentiation. ) * Conclude-Reflect on overall shift in value chain over time OR difference with competitor’s value chain and how that results in difference in business performance. * The assignment submission should not exceed 5 pages| | About VMware VMware is the global leader in virtualization and cloud infrastructure, delivers customer-proven solutions that accelerate IT by reducing complexity and enabling more flexible, agile service delivery.VMware enables enterprises to adopt a cloud model that addresses their unique business challenges. VMware’s approach accelerates the transition to cloud computing while preserving existing investments and improving security and control. With more than 350,000 customers and 50,000 partners, VMware solutions help organizations of all sizes lower costs, increase business agility and ensure freedom of choice I belong to the Consulting Services Division of VMware where we carry out the consulting implementation and management of customer projectsVmware’s Value chain is broadly covered as below . The Value Chain Analysis of VMware covers two categories of activities – primary and support activities. The primary activities are most familiar, as it deals with the steps and processes necessary to take the VMware product or service from R&D to final customer sale and support. * Suppy Chain Management – covers the identification, sourcing, procurement, and supplier management of the â€Å"raw materials† that comprise the final product or service. Operations – covers the engineering, inventory management, and manufacturing of the final product or service. Note:   any technologies incorporated into the product or service are also included here. * Distribution – covers the entire channel network and partnerships that VMware drives for distributing the key platform product solutions * Marketing and Sales – covers the marketing, merchandising, promotions, advertising, sales, and channel management to get the completed product and service to the end customer. Service – covers the support and maintenance of products and services after they are delivered to the customer. The secondary activities are less familiar, but equally important in supporting product and service scalability. * R&D – covers the testing of the product as per the customer specifications, development and roll out of new product updates * Technology Development – covers the supporting technologies, both information technologies as well as other technologies, important for keeping the lights on.Technologies integrated into the product would be covered in the Operations stage. * Human Resource Management – covers the recruiting, hiring, development,and firing of personnel. * General Administration – covers the general admin tasks of the company (buildings, offices, warehouses) I belong to the Services Department function which forms the primary form of activities in the value chain in terms of delivering the value of the virtualization and cloud benefits to customers as per VMware best practices.Compared to our competitor which is Microsoft our services are allinged to be more proactive to customers in the form of Technical Account Manager program. The product profolio that we drive in the Services and consulting space are truly key in giving VMware 84% of the global market share. VMware Professional Services offer end-to-end consulting services for Datacenter, Virtualization Management, Desktop Virtualization and Cloud Services.Our service offerings are based on in-depth virtualization expertise, proven best practices, and repeatable delivery methodologies to help customers realize the full value of virtualization for IT as a service computing models faster, and with less risk. Based on best practices from working with thousands of customers and using reliable, r epeatable methodologies, our services are designed to help Assess the current environments, Plan and design solutions that meet the desired business objectives, Build and implement the desired virtualization solutions, and Manage the environment with staff augmentation and performance tuningRegardless of the level of a customer’s virtualization maturity or business need, VMware Consulting Services accelerate the business value of IT transformation to IT as a Service computing models, through virtualization, with less risk compared to our competition which is the key differentiator in our engagement with customers compared to competition. We have provided key differentiators in our Services Value chain which has resulted huge business benefits to VMware the summary of which is as below – Year-over-Year Revenue Growth of 25% to $1. 6 Billion – Operating Margin of 20. 6%; Non-GAAP Operating Margin of 32. 6% – Trailing Twelve Months Operating Cash Flows Growt h of 64% to $2. 12 Billion; Free Cash Flows Growth of 53% to $2. 07 Billion Service revenues, which include software maintenance and professional services, were $573 million for 2012, an increase of 35% from 2011. The use of value chain analysis facilitates the strategic management of VMware as an organization. The three main types of competitive strategy are cost leadership, differentiation, and focus.Cost leadership is a strategy that relies on lowest-cost production and delivery, while differentiation relies on outstanding quality or product (program/course) features. The focus strategy relies on differentiation or cost leadership for a particular product or market niche. Value chain analysis is a framework that can provide a number of benefits to the VMware management of virtualiation and cloud computing organizations. This analysis help VMware managers of to identify linkages between value activities within the organization, and to think in terms of process rather than function or department.Through analysis of the value system, managers identify potentials for strategic alliances with various actors in the industry value system. Identification of cost drivers and linkage with value chain activities help managers focus on cost reduction and on finding ways to optimize returns throughout the value chain. As well, value chain analysis helps managers understand cost management problems. Failure to see the impact of a decision on the overall value chain will result in missed opportunities for VMware.The value chain framework allows VMware to break down the chain—from basic infrastructure and support, to software development, to customer support and service—into strategically relevant activities to understand the behavior of costs and the sources of differentiation. Profit Margin is typically only one part of the larger set of activities in the value delivery system. Gaining and sustaining a competitive advantage requires that VMware understands the entire value delivery system, not just the portion of the value chain in which it participates.Suppliers and distribution channels have profit margins that must be identified if one is to understand VMware’s cost or differentiation positioning, because the customers ultimately pay for all the profit margins throughout the value chain. Broadly the value chain framework is used as powerful analysis tool for the strategic planning and to build the organizational model ensuring an effective leadership model. The value chain concept is applied also in the individual business unit and is extended to the whole supply chain and distribution networks of VMware.To form a successful product for VMware it is important to add value in each activity that the product goes through during the life cycle. The best possible value can be achieved in the product development process by adding value in each stage. For that it needs all, or a combination of, value chain activities and a proper s ynchronization among all the related activities. A proper organization is required that contains all the required functional departments to perform these activities and a proper communication approach is required to synchronize the activities of these functional units efficiently. Business Strategy MPM703 Business Strategy and Analysis Trimester 1, 2013 Assignment: Business Strategy Report In this assignment you are acting either as a group of strategy consultants (group assignment), or as one strategy consultant (individual assignment). You have been asked to prepare a strategy report for a business. The first step is to select a business as the subject of your assignment. The business can be a publicly listed company in Australia or overseas which is of interest to you or other members of your group, or it may be a large private or family business located either in Australia or overseas.Do not use or refer to assignments completed by students for this unit in previous trimesters. (A record of past assignments is kept on a database). Note also that the requirements of the assignment change from trimester to trimester. The focus of this assignment is on the business level of analysis. Therefore if you select a diversified company then make sure you focus only on one of the comp any’s business units. The report must be specific and applied to the business. In other words you must apply the relevant concepts and tools of business strategy to the particular conditions and circumstances of the business you are studying.General statements and references to theories and models that are not applied to the business will not add value to your assignment. Similarly, data about the business that is not analysed and presented from a strategic perspective – using the relevant concepts and tools of strategy – is of little value. To help you in this exercise, consider the position of the CEO of the business who will be reading your report and looking for a strategic analysis and recommendation that is practical and specific to her or his business.The CEO does not want to read a broad analysis that could apply to any number of organisations and does not ‘speak’ to their business. Group or individual submission This assignment may be compl eted either as a group submission (up to 5 people) or as an individual assignment (one person only). Either way, you must sign up in one of the group assignment spaces online. Marking will be done without regard to whether the assignment was a group or individual submission. In other words an individual assignment should be of a similar standard and quality to that of a group assignment.For group assignments the mark will be shared by all in the group. Therefore: 1. Allocate the various tasks among your group members and agree on interim due dates for the stages of work. Make sure your interim due dates allow for drafts to be circulated and edited so that the final submission is of the highest standard. 2. Each group member must make a relatively fair and reasonable contribution to the report, in whatever form or shape that might take, in order to share equally in the mark. In the rare event that there are any issues you should contact me two weeks prior to the report due date so th at a resolution can be reached.Report format and requirements The presentation of your report is a critical aspect of this assignment. It is essential that your report is formatted appropriately, and carefully edited and re-edited to achieve a professional standard. Allow time to draft and re-draft your assignment prior to the due date in order to improve the quality of writing and presentation. You must follow carefully the report structure and requirements set out below. 1. Title Page In the title page, you should include: †¢ Title of the report, e. g. ‘Company X: A Business Strategy Report’. Cloud Deakin Group number (whether you are a group or individual). †¢ The names and student IDs of your group members. †¢ Off campus or on campus status. †¢ Date and Unit Code. †¢ Name and postal address for the return of your assignment. 2. Table of contents Include all of the section headings and subheadings used in your report, together with page numbe rs. 3. Executive summary (Less than 300 words) This is a one page only summary of the report, written as a series of short paragraphs, outlining your key findings and recommended strategic option. 4. Introduction (Approximately 400 words)This section provides some background and context to your report. Your introduction should include: †¢ A brief description of the reasons for undertaking the study, i. e. the value of undertaking a strategy review of the business. †¢ An introduction to the business and its macro environment and industry. 5. Strategic Analysis 5. 1 Methods (Approximately 200 words) Provide a brief description of the techniques of data collection and analysis used in this section, including an outline of the sources used to gather the data upon which the report is based.Data may be collected from sources within the business (business documents, questionnaires, interviews) and from industry reports, media sources, the World Wide Web and database searches. It is important to describe the types and quantity of your data sources so that the reader can evaluate the quality and validity of the data on which your analysis is based. 5. 2 Business strategy statement (Approximately 300 words) Describe the mission, vision, objectives, scope, and advantage of the business (see section 1. 2. 3 in the text). Summarise these descriptions into a clear and compelling strategy statement in 35 words or less. . 3 External analysis (Approximately 800 words) †¢ Conduct a PESTEL analysis of your business’s macro environment, evaluating whether each of the PESTEL factors are positive, neutral, or negative for the industry. †¢ Provide an overall evaluation of the impact of these factors on growth and consumer demand in the industry. Explain which of the influences in your analysis are likely to be the main drivers for change in the future. †¢ Using the five forces framework described in your text, evaluate and briefly describe the key for ces at work in your business’s industry environment. Draw a strategy canvas for your business and the two main rivals (see Figure 2. 9 in the text). Describe briefly the three most critical success factors for your business (see pp. 73-74 in the text). 5. 4 Strategic capability (Approximately 400 words) †¢ Describe your business’s strategic capability in the form of a value chain analysis. †¢ Present a SWOT analysis in table form. 5. 5 Strategy and culture (Approximately 400 words) Draw a cultural web of the business (see Chapter 5 of your text and Figure 5. 8). Briefly evaluate the relationship between the business’s culture and its strategy. . 6Strategic direction (Approximately 450 words) Identify and describe the one most viable strategic direction for the business. To undertake this task refer to Figure 7. 2 on p. 232 and the relevant commentary. Explain how your chosen strategic direction allows the business to: †¢ Respond appropriately to t he industry and macro environments described in your external analysis. †¢ Match the strengths of the business to the opportunities in the environment, described in your earlier analyses, to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. . Conclusion (Approximately 250 words) This section is written in paragraph form to provide a summary of one key finding from each of the report sections from 5. 2 to 5. 6. 7. References List all of the references referred to in the report. Please note that appendices are not allowed. Requirements Word limit:3500 (excluding the references only) Line spacing: 1. 5 Font size: 12 Contribution to your final mark: 40% Due date: 3. 00pm, Tuesday 7 May 2013 NB. Words in excess of 3500 will not be marked. Assignment submission rules All assignments are to be submitted online, in addition to a printed copy delivered to the Faculty office, or handed in at lecture. For off campus students the mailed hard copy of the assignment is deemed to be on time if sen t and post-marked by the due date of the assignment. Please note that the version of an assignment you submit electronically must be the same as any version you submit in any other form. Students enrolled through partnership agreements must submit as required by the unit chair at the partner institution on the due date. Assignments are on time if they are submitted online and in hard copy on the due date. On campus students must submit the printed version in lecture or at the Faculty office by the due date; off campus students must mail their submission on or before the due date to: Assignment Tracking AASD Deakin University Waurn Ponds, VIC, 3217 3Remote students: A student is classified as remote if they are living in a place where it takes more than 3 days for mail to reach Deakin University, Geelong, for example overseas in certain locations.If you are a remote student, you may submit your assignment by email to [email  protected] edu. au If you are a remote student and submit via email, please clearly state your name, student ID number, unit code and assignment number on the email. It is also recommended that you place this information on your assignment as a Footer or Header. The Assignment Tracking staff will print your assignment and place an Assignment Attachment Form onto your assignment. It will then be tracked and sent to your assessor for marking the same day.When returning the assignment, the assignment will be sent by normal postage and not via email. Please do not post another version in the mail if you email your assignment. 5 No extensions will be considered for assignment submission due dates unless a written request is submitted to and negotiated with the unit chair. 6 Assignments submitted late without an extension being granted will not be marked. Plagiarism and other academic offences Plagiarism is the copying of another person’s ideas or expressions without appropriate acknowledgment. Please read the notes on plagiarism in the Unit Guide. Business Strategy Victorians Secret, in both its' business and e-business components use a B to C business strategy that focuses on the same market segment and economics in both channels. Strategically the company focuses on individual business processes instead of its' business model so that it can improve upon some of them with technology as this avoids a primarily internet-driven business model which could affect the sales of their retail locations.Their business processes that support their verbal selling and purchasing activities for their physical locations can be utilized by the e-commerce channel of the business as well as the retail locations which is a strategy implemented in order to reduce transaction costs by improving the flow of information within the company and its' channels. This helps to coordinate the actions for both channels which is useful in maintaining the same brand standards regardless of where the consumer is buying the product.An example of this would be the technique libr ary database the company established which Is shared among all regions/suppliers and includes company standards of design and production. Victorians Secret implements a business strategy that makes use of multiple marketing channels such as their retail stores and e-commerce channel. They utilize a 360 degree approach for the website with channel cooperation regarding their already established physical locations.Victorians Secret strategically avoids channel conflict by differentiating certain products such as best sellers and only offering them for sale from Victorians Secret, In both Its' business and e-business components use a B to C business strategy that focuses on the same market segment and economics In both the e-commerce channel of the business as well as the retail locations which Is a be the technique library database the company established which is shared among.